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WB 37


From an idea to a drawing, from a drawing to a 3D design and from a 3D design to a fully functional machine. That is the plan we had, that is the path we followed. Our design process started as any other, we discussed our ideas, then we took the best ones and drew them to better identify the pros and the cons of the design. This led to many discussions as every member wanted their design to be used. In the end we settled on a design that incorporated many ideas. 


What makes us different?

Our primary phase of design has been very much the same as it will have been for other groups, so what makes us different? Each member of our team came with many different designs for the arm or the claw and we tried our very best to completely reject every design to better understand the designs strong and weak points. 


We also had three very complicated and intricate designs which we later decided not to use. This is due to our workethic, we want to design and build something that works, and since we wanted our project to function properly we decided to keep it as simple as possible.


You can check out our prelimaniry concepts over here

Design Process

© 2017 by WB 37 Constructions

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